Television's superhero series Supergirl as a young Kara Zor-El, played as an adult by Melissa Benoist. In 2015, Weissman appeared in the CBS and Warner Bros. She made her film debut playing the role of a young April O'Neil in the science fiction action comedy film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the role played as an adult by Megan Fox, in 2014. As an actress, she has appeared in commercials for ACT mouthwash, Maybelline, Purell, and My Little Pony. She has appeared in major designers and brands like Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Levi's, Benetton, DKNY, H&M, among many others. Weissman is a New York City-based model and actress. Her older sister is Ayla D'lyla, an indie pop artist. She speaks fluent German, English and Spanish. She started her career as a model at the age of eight. Malina Weissman (born March 12, 2003) is an American actress and model, best known for playing the roles of Violet Baudelaire in the Netflix series A Series of Unfortunate Events, young April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and young Kara Zor-El in Supergirl.